MILAN SLAMA is an award-winning mediator who received multiple awards from
the Los Angeles Superior Court. He has a strong corporate background and has
many years of experience with work place issues.
He is also a co-founder and a member of the creative team which developed a mediation program
for the V A L L E Y B A R M E D I A T I O N C E N T E R (click to read about the program)
under the umbrella of The San Fernando Valley Bar Asociation. He is associated with
the CHILDREN's COURT mediating Dependency/Family cases. He is a contractor for LOS ANGELES
COUNTY mediating employment disputes. In 2020 he joined
C O N F L I C T I N T E R V E N T I O N S E R V I C E S (click) associated with The Bar Association
of San Francisco which deals with a variety of housing issues.
He mediated close to 700 cases related to the broad spectrum of issues such as
Title VII and Fair Employment and Housing Act
Retaliation and Hostile Work Environment
Sexual Harassment DEPENDENCY
Infliction of Emotional Distress
Internal Workplace Disputes
Wrongful Termination and Constructive Discharge
Contract Disputes Auto Accidents
HOA Disputes Slip and Fall
Evictions and Deposit Issues Wrongful Death
Milan specializes in complicated C r o s s - C u l t u r a l and C u l t u r a l D i v e r s i t y mediation
where parties come from different ethnic, national, and cultural backgrounds. He also offers
C o n s u l t i n g and C o a c h i n g focusing on Conflict Management,
Conflict Prevention, and Conflict Resolution.